Know more about expensive Golf Course which floats on water

Maldives is one among 1192 islands of Indian Ocean. It is only 5 feet above the Sea level. In future, as the time flew, there is always a fear for all these islands to get drowned by gigantic waves of the oceans. Hence, Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course is constructed in Indian Ocean. It is described as America's most beautiful resort golf course by Golf Digest. Few interesting facts of this most expensive Golf stadium are: 1. Amount spent to build this Golf stadium is 520 million dollars 2. This stadium uses solar electricity which is produced by Solar panels. 3. Construction of this stadium was started in 2013 and it took 2 years to get completed. 4. Practically, this stadium is built in the shape of the boat, so as to protect it from drowning in the water and from the harmful storms. 5. This stadium is spread over 200 acres of area. It has 4 and half miles of concrete road. 6. Architect of this stadium is Scott Miller. 7. Grass is grown in...